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Who We Are


Website- Mia D’Amico, Tia Adinolfi, Arianna Mahon, Andrew Bardelli

  • Our Sole Changer website is used to give viewers information on our product, contact team members, and buy our product through online purchasing.


Social Media-  Kelly Wysocki, Talia Travers, Michaela D’Amato

  • Our social media is used to promote our business and to advertise our products. Consumers can find us on twitter and instagram.


Marketing/Design- Christian DeLuca, Vincent Kikosicki, JonCarlo Alberino

  • Our marketing is used to promote our products and create campaigns to advertise our product. We will be using roles like advertisement, event organization, product development, sponsorships, and research.


Research + Development-  Matt, C.J. Underwood, Justin Higgins

  • This aspect of the team gathers statistics on shoes and works on developing the most effective way to create and produce our product.


Business Plan- Seth Mingione, Luis Torres, Rob Proto

  • This branch of the team created the business plan. The business plan includes an executive summary of the product we created, marketing information, competition analysis, the balance sheet, and a break even analysis. Overall, the document works to explain every part of our Sole Changers shoe in great detail.


Finances-  C.J. Underwood, Justin Allen, Robert Promo, Jessa Imperati

  • We are responsible for providing financial advice and support for our clients. We want to help them make quick and precise business decisions.

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